Thursday 17 February 2011

Paper Cuts

I stumbled across the work of Rob Ryan on the internet, and found it useful for my research in to working with paper. His work is 2d, however what I found interesting is the way he includes type in his paper cuts. Below are a few examples of his work, which are all cut out by hand...

I think that his work looks delicate and I think that each piece has a story to tell. The combination of text and image work well together. He has also used laser cuts in his work, which you can see below. This is probably my favourite of all his work. What I really like about this particular piece is the immense detail of the floral pattern. Also the way he has used paper with a printed text on it already, I think this adds to the visual quality of the piece.

1 comment:

  1. Love this work, you can just see the amount of time that has gone into this from the detail in the patterns. Wish I could do something as fiddly as this. It's gorgeous to look at x
